Tuesday 12 June 2018


Export Package
Import Package
Sling Model Packages
Built Jdk
Built By
Bundle Class Path
Bundle Name
Bundle Symbolic Name
Bundle Version

Reduced Complexity
Real World
Easy Deplyment

-Template comprises of nodes that specify the node structure.
-Templates are comprised of components and can be applied to newly created or existing pages.
-whenever we create a new page,we need to select the correct template.T
-Once we have selected a template and created a new page ,we cannot changes the template again.

-components are re usable modules that implement specification application logic to render content of website.
- we can think component as a collection of scripts(JSP , or sightly or Handle bars scripts suported in AEM)
-2 types of component : Page components(typically referred by a template and normal components).
-when we crate a new page using a template ,we can content to the page by using Components.

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